Commentator JD Rhoades had this to say over at Balloon-Juice
After Willie Horton ads, Swiftboating, GOP
convention-goers waving purple band-aids to mock a veteran’s war wounds,
birtherism, Ann Coulter saying the “only choice was whether to impeach
or assassinate” President Clinton, Coulter claiming 9/11 widows were
“enjoying their husband’s deaths,” Rush Limbaugh mocking Michael J.
Fox’s Parkinson’s disease, ads falsely claiming Barack Obama favored
“comprehensive sex education for Kindergartners,” Rand Paul supporters
trying to stomp the head of a protester, ads claiming Kay Hagen was
“godless,” Michelle Bachmann calling for an investigation of
‘un-American views” among the Congress, “If ballots don’t work, maybe
bullets will,” “Obama hates white people,” ‘GET OFF MY PHONE YOU LITTLE PINHEAD!” “YOU LIE!”,
wingnuts at FreeRepublic calling 11-year old Sasha Obama a “street
whore” for wearing a peace sign on her t-shirt, outright lies about
“death panels,” “Bury Obamacare with Kennedy,” cheering for executions,
booing soldiers in war zones for being gay, comparing poor people to
stray animals you shouldn’t feed, “’we’ve got one raghead in the White
House, we don’t need a raghead in the governor’s mansion,” supposed
“Christians” suggesting that people pray for the President using Psalm
109:8 (“May his days be few; may another take his office. Let his
children be fatherless, and his wife a widow”) as a text, Limbaugh
calling the First Lady “uppity,” and on and on and on, all without a
single peep from the Right…They can take their whiny-ass bullshit about
liberal “rudeness” and peddle it somewhere else. We ain’t buyin’ it
I'm a lot less civil in my tone, his version fills in the reason why.
5 months ago